Father - The Menshek Girls with their Father
Father - The Menshek Girls with their Father
Frank, and left to right Catherine, Margaret, Lucille Menshek
Original oil painting by Jeanne Ross
Limited color palette burnt siena, ultramarine blue, white
October 9, 2023
Painted in studio from vintage photograph retouched by Jeanne Ross.
This is a portrait of the Menshek family on the bank of the Mississippi in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was likely taken somewhere between the High Bridge and the end of Randolph Avenue.
The Menshek family lived at 275 Cliff Street (built in 1900) and Superior Street, near the High Bridge entry on Smith Anenue. I am pretty confident it is not the High Bridge in the background because photos of the High Bridge from 1908 to 1912 do not look like this bridge.
It took 7 months and an estimated 516 hours to complete.
2023 Studio painting
36" x 48" stretched heavy weight cotton canvas