Old ones, new ones city scapes, noctournes, landscapes, still lifes
More Paintings
Series: Fall Colors 2017
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: October 25, 2017
Media: Oil paint - Prismatic color palette & titanium white
30" x 40"
Grey Cloud Island is pretty little island on the Mississippi, not far from Cottage Grove. The Hale's little river side cottage has been a retreat for many over the years. Artifacts weather by the years and numerous floods, along with layers of colored paint offer pause for reflection.
Series: Fall Colors 2017
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: October 17, 2017
Media: Oil paint - Prismatic color palette & titanium white
Size: 24" x 48" on stretched canvas
Grey Cloud Island is pretty little island on the Mississippi, not far from Cottage Grove. The birds are all present and accounted for; ducks, geese, cranes, pelicans, loons, and eagles. One day there were about 600 pelicans passing through, three of them ventured into my territory.
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: October 4, 2016
Media: Gouache on paper
Size: 17" x 20"
Still life study of an antique Redwing pottery vase, and winter white ceramic fruit, sitting on a rise covered with a vintage lace tablecloth, draped over black velvet, on top of black fleece.
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: December 15, 1976
Media: Acrylic on canvas panel
Size: 16" x 20"
I painted this picture when I was 22 years old. It is more abstract than I remembered. It was painted from the time lape photographs my dad took at the Spectacle of Lights photography contest. I think it was sponsered by the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: March 29, 1979
Media: Acrylic on canvas panel
Size: 36" x 48"
Again this was painted from the time lapse photographs my dad took during the Spectacle of Lights photography contest. I think it was sponsored by the St. Paul Pioneer Press. There is mate painting for this painting that I have not seen for some years.
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: September 12, 2016
Media: Oil paint on stretched canvas
Size: 18" x 24"
Outdoor noctourne painting of St. Paul, Minnesota from Indian Mounds Park. Barge activity goes on through the night. The new Layfayette Bridge adds color, and there is a game at the Saint Paul Saints Stadium.
Barges I would like to go with you, I would like to sail the ocean blue...
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: September 17, 2016
Media: Oil paint on stretched canvas
Size: 24" x 36"
Outdoor noctourne painting of St. Paul, Minnesota from Warner Road, featuring the illuminated Lafayette Bridge. To visit this colorful view walk down-river from Lowertown along Warner Road, about 10 minutes beyond the Layfayette Bridge.
Series: 5
Artist: Jeanne Ross
Date: October 7, 2016
Media: Oil paint on stretched canvas
Size: 24" x 36"
Outdoor noctourne painting of St. Paul, Minnesota from Indian Mounds Park. This has been one of my favorite views for a long time. It goes back to when my dad took pictures of Saint Paul during an event called the Spectacle of Lights. All of the businesses woul turn on their lights and photographers would take pictures.